NFL quarterback Brett Favre is in trouble over the Mississippi welfare scandal.

He is undergoing an investigation for defrauding the government to construct a volleyball stadium for himself.


The funding was taken from the nation’s poorest citizens who were in need of financial assistance.

Reports suggest that former Governor Phil Bryant worked alongside Brett Favre to scheme for the stadium.

Despite his denials, text conversations from Bryant to organisation founder Nancy New confirmed his involvement.

"Just left Brett Favre," the texts said. The text also hinted at helping Brett with his project and meeting with Nancy New to discuss her initiatives.

Additionally, Bryant reportedly reacted to Favre's question about how the new director may affect their financial plans by saying this.

"I will handle that... long story, but had to make a change. But I'll call Nancy and see what it will take."

Many people think Favre's actions were wrong since they hurt people who needed the money to survive.

Twitteratis demand that Brett should be sent to jail for his actions. The trial is yet to be conducted.